"In my near 63 years -- this program by Mr. Kugler 'God's Courtroom' was one of the best Biblical explanations of salvation & God's instructions I've ever heard ... 'God's Courtroom' was exceptional!"
Anoka, Minnesota
"Wow, I saw this on NRB and it is great ... I've been sharing with many to look it up on the web site...."
Creston, Ohio
"Seldom do I hear, today, pastors speak on the day that I will face the creator, the one who brought me into existence ... Thank you and Praise the Lord for giving you the insight to present this. I hope to share it with many others."
Ames, Iowa
"Thank you for taking my call and sending both DVD versions. They arrived yesterday, and my wife Jan and I watched your program last night. It is spell-binding. It so illustrates the plan of salvation and your straight forward presentation makes it absolutely clear. The various venues hold our attention. I love it."
Visilia, California
"You really did a great job putting together God's Courtroom. I appreciate your willingness to provide DVDs simply for the asking and it says much about your motivation in doing the Lord's work. I'm fortunate to be able to support the efforts of ministries such as yours...."
Idaho Falls, Idaho
"This program was truly outstanding, especially for people serving in jail ministries. I've ordered copies to distribute to my team. Truly a presentation that reaches deep and causes wonderment over how we will one day stand before a Holy God. Keep airing it -- it will save souls!"
Phoenix, Arizona
"When I heard your presentation on the NRB Network I felt 'this is an excellent tool' to help move our congregation off dead center and into a more urgent activism toward revival ... Last week our Christian High School viewed the 'God's courtroom' DVD."
Mendon, Michigan
"I loved the unique manner in which you presented the gospel. I thoroughly enjoyed it."
Edmond, Oklahoma
"Really got us thinking and we thought it was a really good visual to get people to really think about their eternity and the reality that we will all have to face God and answer for our deeds. The movie was really well made and we loved the tour of the different courtrooms and Abe Lincoln history, as well."
Romney, Indiana
"I watched the program two times, it is definitely a wakeup call."
Auburn Hills, Michigan