The film God's Courtroom is available for broadcasting by any television network or local station, both in the USA and other countries. As the ministry is a not-for-profit tax exempt § 501(c)(3) organization, it does not charge a licensing fee to broadcast the film. In accordance with the FCC regulations in the USA, the film has been closed captioned. There are no commercial products being sold, no political statements, and no solicitation of donations. The film is exactly 58 minutes and 30 seconds and is available in English and Spanish.
A request to broadcast the film should be directed to Mike Meier, Media Outreach Coordinator, at mike.meier@godscourtroom.org. A broadcast version of the film can be obtained by contacting Patrick Murphy with New Day Media, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at pmurphy@newdaymedia.com. He also can be reached at (918) 250-4588, ext. 106. A broadcast version of the film in NTSC format is available in BETA SP and DVD CAM. For networks outside the USA, a PAL mini DV is available.
It is a privilege to recognize some of the television networks which have or will be broadcasting God's Courtroom.
TCT Network
DirecTV Ch. 377
List of broadcast stations
NRB TV Network
DirecTV Ch. 378 and Sky Angel ch. 126
List of Affiliates
WAND TV - Decatur, Illinois
Ch. 17
Coverage Area
Total Living Network
Rophe TV - Goa, India
KTLN San Francisco
Redemption Television Ministry (RTM)
Johanessburg, South Africa
Christian Family Network Television
Wichita Falls, TX
Almavision Hispanic Network
Costa Mesa, CA.
Canal 27 of TV Guatemala
Ciudad de Mixco
Guatemala, Centro América.
Canal Luz
Santa Fe, Argentina