"Is he an attorney or is he a preacher? That was my first thought as I learned of Bruce Kugler when I was president of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists. I have concluded that he is an excellent attorney who is compassionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus. The uniqueness of Bruce Kugler's presentation of the Gospel makes it rich with Biblical truth and extremely effective in communicating this truth to unsaved people. He does it with excellence and he should be used as often as possible in our churches and other venues where he will have an audience who needs to hear. Use Bruce Kugler if you can get him and the video if he is unable to come."
Ron Herrod
President R.H.E.M.A. International
First Vice President,
Southern Baptist Convention
“I cannot give God enough glory for Bruce Kugler’s ‘God’s Courtroom!’ Our church invited Bruce to come and present this last spring and we will be doing it again. Bruce’s combination of a strong understanding of Scripture and his legal expertise make him the perfect servant to deliver such an eye-opening message to the world today! I highly recommend that all churches everywhere give Bruce the opportunity to deliver this timely message on salvation, justification, and our accountability to God!”
Michael L. Henderson
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church, Springfield, Illinois
"God's Courtroom is a thorough well paced unique presentation. Rarely do we get the opportunity to consider God's forgiveness from such a Biblical and logical perspective. The legal arguments are compelling and easy to understand. The challenge is powerful, 'given the evidence what will you decide?' Interwoven with short stories and set among historical buildings, God's Courtroom is an excellent choice for an evangelistic presentation. I found it enjoyable and encouraging to my faith."
Andrew Minch
Wycliffe Bible Translators
"Bruce Kugler is a man of integrity with a passion for the gospel. I have been a student of Bruce's life for the past 10 years and can fully recommend him to your church. The creativity and power of the God's Courtroom presentation will help your church fulfill its vision to share the gospel with your community."
Mark Emerson
Missions Awareness Director
Illinois Baptist State Association
"God's laws are absolute. Bruce Kugler helps us understand the nature of those laws and the means by which they will be administered when we face judgment in God's Courtroom. Mr. Kugler knows the intricacies of the trial process and clearly explains God's offer of a pardon."
David A. Ball, M.D.
Managing Editor
COSBE Publishing, Inc.
"I unreservedly recommend that your church consider inviting Attorney Bruce Kugler to speak at your church on the splendid presentation he has prepared entitled "God's Courtroom." As an attorney for the United States government and as an avid student of the Bible, Bruce has utilized his legal and biblical knowledge to prepare this message in splendid fashion. He is willing to negotiate a date with your church to present his message personally or to provide a video on the sermon to your church. You will be impressed by the quality of his message."
Dr. William L. Weedman
Retired Senior Associate Executive Director
Illinois Baptist State Association
"God's Courtroom provides insight into the judgment process of God with regard to believers in Jesus Christ. The real life analysis from a courtroom perspective provides us with a more real idea of God judging us in our present day, as well as in the afterlife. God's Courtroom is a great tool for you to use in your church and community setting that will challenge the thinking of friends, family and believers."
Robert Carrathers
Director of Missions
Sandy Creek Baptist Association
Murrayville, Illinois
"Just a note to tell you of our appreciation for your presentation. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The mental picture created in one's mind, putting oneself in a courtroom as we stand before Christ, is a sobering reflection of Biblical truth. This is a message that should be presented to every congregation before it is too late."
Dale Sinclair
Interim Pastor
Tallula Baptist Church
"Through my 50 years of ministry, I have heard many speak of total commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. I am not sure that has ever fully happened, but Bruce & Marjorie Kugler come mighty close. In the words of our forefathers, they have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the cause. This movie is the result of that commitment. I strongly urge you to use it to win people to Jesus."
Les Snyder, Evangelist
Sons of the Father
"I have enjoyed seeing Bruce Kugler's 'God's Courtroom' in person and also on screen, presented to a group. I wanted to purchase a copy of the DVD for a friend who is a deep thinker, but very post-modern in his beliefs. I was pleasantly surprised at the opportunity to obtain a copy without cost. I believe this is a mark of a sincere ministry. Thanks Bruce."
Bob Riemenschneider
Sauk Valley Community Church
Dixon, Illinois
"I recommend that your church invite Bruce Kugler to speak about "God's Courtroom." If for some reason this is not possible, you need to receive his DVD. All of us know about our court's procedure, but very few know how God's courtroom works. Mr. Kugler gives a very clear picture of both man's law and God's forgiveness. Every person needs to hear his message before it is too late."
Pastor LaRue Parr
Big Creek Baptist Church
Anna, Illinois